Career Outlook | RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) | BenU

RN to BSN Career Outlook

For Nurses, the Future Is Bright

  • The employment of registered nurses is projected to grow by 9% from 2019 to 20291
  • 56% of RNs now hold a bachelor’s degree, up from 49% in 20102
  • In 2018, one-third of current RNs indicated that they plan to retire within the next five years3

As a BSN-prepared nurse, your skills and experience will be in demand across the nation. You will graduate with the leadership and research competencies to provide your patients with exceptional evidence-based care and leadership within a health care setting.

No matter what nursing area you wish to pursue, the RN to BSN online program will prepare you for the best opportunities. Simply put, you will be more likely to gain — and retain — the nursing job you seek.

Top Earning Potential

Registered nurses earned median pay of $77,600 in 2021.1 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses who have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) will have better job prospects than other RNs.

The increased education and clinical experience you gain at Benedictine University will prepare you for nursing positions like:*

Charge nurse$71,876
Nurse case manager$75,744
Nursing director$93,908
Nursing manager$89,668
Registered nurse$77,600
School nurse$47,653

*SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,; August 2022

Make a Bigger Impact

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) reports that the BSN degree is essential for nurses seeking to move up the career ladder and provide a higher level of quality care.5

As a graduate, you will have the critical-thinking skills and knowledge necessary to see beyond a patient’s immediate needs. You will be able to design and implement evidence-based plans for patient care, resulting in an enhanced quality of life for your patients and their families.

Additionally, when you move into supervisory and management roles, opportunities arise to influence health care policy and bring about lasting change.

Work In a Location You Love

With your Benedictine University BSN, you will find positions available across the nation. Nursing jobs requiring a BSN are plentiful. 

The Chicago-Naperville-Elgin area was in the top 3 metropolitan areas with the highest employment level for registered nurses, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The region employed 96,750 registered nurses in 2021.4

Additionally, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that these five states provided the most employment opportunities for registered nurses in 2021:4

  1. California
    California offered the most job opportunities for registered nurses at 324,400 positions. RNs earned a mean annual wage of $124,000, the highest salary for RNs of all U.S. states.
  2. Texas
    Texas filled 217,630 nursing positions and paid its RNs a mean wage of $79,120 per year.
  3. Florida
    Florida had 187,920 nursing positions available, with a mean annual wage of $72,000.
  4. New York
    With 188,300 nursing positions filled, New York paid its RNs a mean annual wage of $93,320.
  5. Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania offered 149,270 opportunities for registered nurses, who earned a $76,000 mean annual wage.

Learn more about the career opportunities open to you with the RN to BSN online degree from Benedictine University. Request more information or call (866) 295-3104 today to speak to a program manager.


1U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020 Sept. 1). Registered Nurses. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2020, from
2American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2019 April). The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2020, from
3Illinois Center for Nursing (2019 Feb. 13). Registered Nurse Workforce Survey Report. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2020, from
4U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020 July 6). Occupational Employment and Wages-Registered Nurses. Occupational Employment Statistics. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2020, from
5American Association of Colleges of Nursing (n.d.). Your Nursing Career: A Look at the Facts. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2020, from