Robert Radi holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from The Chicago School, and an MBA from Pepperdine University. Dr. Radi joined Benedictine University in 2014 as an Adjunct Professor of Business in both its MBA Programs and Undergraduate Business School, lecturing in economics and finance, entrepreneurship and management. Dr. Radi teaching experience includes work as an Adjunct Professor with Pepperdine University, University of Maryland UC, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, California State University - Palm Desert and Otis College.
From 1993 to 2012, Dr. Radi founded and operated a consumer product strategy consulting firm serving national and global brands. Dr. Radi has been a consultant to corporations such as Johnson & Johnson, Guthy-Renker, Procter & Gamble, Snapware, Berkshire Hathaway, MOBI Technology, Toyota, Ford, Revlon, Colgate, Neutrogena, Wolfgang Puck Appliances, Warner Music, Daimler Chrysler and many others. Instrumental in the development of consumer product platforms generating over $100 million in annual revenues, he received over 20 international awards for innovation excellence, and he has been party to 28 monetized design and utility patents. From 2012 to 2015 he served as President of China US Strategic Ventures, an organization functioning as a platform alliance focused on the alignment of policies, capital and management. Dr. Radi is currently the President of Integral Advantage, Inc. a strategy and management advisory group founded in 2015 and operating primarily in private equity M&A.
In 2014 Dr. Radi was elected to La Quinta City Council to a four-year term. Councilmember Radi currently serves as Chairman of the La Quinta Housing Authority, Vice Chairman of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments’ Transportation Committee, and Commissioner at the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). He previously served as Board Member of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. In the non-profit arena, Dr. Radi served a two-year term as an Executive Board Member of Scholarship America – California, the nation’s largest private sector scholarship and educational support organization, and served as Vice President of the Board at the World Affairs Council of the Desert.
Dr. Radi is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma business international honor society.