PBHL 5505 Health Systems, Law and Policy | Benedictine University

Impact Lives

PBHL 5505 Health Systems, Law and Policy


Learn how to turn health care needs into health care policy, one law at a time.

Format: Online
Duration: 8 weeks

In a world that depends on cooperation and order to thrive, laws are simply a way of life. In the health care industry, laws can protect us from health problems and help improve the public's health. In reality, creating these laws, or policies, isn't so simple.

In this course, you'll learn how health policy is developed and maintained. You'll explore the role of Congress, presidents, courts and federal and state governments, and discuss the circumstances and relationships that influence health policy development. You will identify the conceptual framework for content- and evidence-based decision making, and develop your own case study. As you experience the fine art of policy making, you may some day help improve our health care system.

Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes?


*Source: Sample Week 1, Multimedia.

In November 2002, as New York mayor Michael Bloomberg was proposing a ban on extra-large sugar drinks from public venues, the city of Richmond, Calif., was poised to go further than any other government in the U.S. with a new tax on soda. This video is a sample of the multimedia and issues discussed in this course. As you will see, creating policy can be controversial.

What You'll Learn in MPH 6010

This course provides a historical view of health policy from a national and international framework. Both theoretical and practical perspectives in policy development and policy analysis are emphasized.

Course Topics

Throughout this course, weekly topics may include:

  • Policy and Health
  • Political Structures and Political Environment
  • Analyzing Existing Policies
  • Health in All Policies
  • Policies, Science, and Evidence
  • Stakeholders, Advocacy, and Lobbying
  • Developing New Policies
  • Debating Policies

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of MPH 6010, you will be able to:

  • Analyze public health policies.
  • Develop public health policies.
  • Apply an intersectoral policy approach to solving health problems.
  • Communicate policy issues to diverse audiences.
  • Develop advocacy strategies for policy positions.
  • Evaluate policy positions through dialectics and debate.

Request More Information

To learn more about the online Master of Public Health curriculum from Benedictine University, including Health Policy, call (866) 295-3104 to speak with a program manager or request more information.