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<p>Benedictine University</p>
<p>What can you do with an M P H degree?</p>
<p>Specialties, Skills and Job Outlook for Those with an M P H Degree</p>
<p>What is an M P H degree? <sup>1</sup></p>
<p>A Master of Public Health (M P H) provides students with the skills to implement health initiatives that prevent disease from occurring. This degree is the premiere credential for those looking to work with high-level government health agencies.</p>
<p>What specialties exist in the field? <sup>2</sup></p>
<p>Health Education and Promotion</p>
<p>Job Description: Works to educate the public to provide facts and useable skills to improve overall health. Job best suited for students who want to work with the public and enjoy teaching.</p>
<p>Job Description: Studies disease patterns with the intent to control or prevent the spread of illness. Job best suited for students who like to solve problems for government agencies.</p>
<p>Emergency preparedness</p>
<p>Job Description: Works to plan and execute effective ways to handle health care emergencies. Job best suited for students who can carry out a plan during intense situations.</p>
<p>Environmental Health</p>
<p>Job Description: Works to protect the public from environmental hazards, usually through research or on-site inspections. Job best suited for students interested in environmental concerns.</p>
<p>Job Description: Analyzes disease patterns to offer predictions or study suggestions. Job best suited for students with statistical, analytical thinking skills.</p>
<p>Public Health Nursing</p>
<p>Job Description: Uses clinical skills to improve the health of a community through events like immunization clinics. Job best suited for students interested in working with a specific community to provide clinical care.</p>
<p>What kind of jobs can an M P H degree unlock? <sup>3</sup></p>
<p>Epidemiologist (Salary: 89,370 dollars)</p>
<p>Medical and Health Service Manager (Salary: 84,000 dollars)</p>
<p>Biostatistician for Federal Government (Salary: 94,000 dollars)</p>
<p>Infectious Disease Specialist (Salary: 155,730 dollars)</p>
<p>Health Educator at a Hospital (Salary: 58,000 dollars)</p>
<p>Health Services Administrator (Salary: 88,580 dollars)</p>
<p>Environmental Health Scientist (Salary: 61,700 dollars)</p>
<p>Biomedical Engineer (Salary: 86,960 dollars)</p>
<p>Public Health Nurse (Salary: 51,000 dollars)</p>
<p>What skills do M P H graduates possess? <sup>4</sup></p>
<p>Overall Skills: Ability to work with a diverse population, research and critical thinking skills, leadership strategies, ability to plan, coordinate and execute health initiatives.</p>
<p>Skills Pertaining to Each M P H Specialty:</p>
<p>Epidemiology: Statistical reasoning, pattern development, planning and execution.</p>
<p>Health Education and Promotion: Program evaluation, teaching skills, marketing techniques.</p>
<p>Emergency Preparedness: Critical thinking, process improvement, executable planning.</p>
<p>Environmental Health: Hazard identification, inspection guidelines, treatment planning.</p>
<p>Biostatistics: Statistical reasoning, long-term planning, communication.</p>
<p>Public Health Nursing: Design and implementation of health services, community outreach.</p>
<p>Examples of Employers That Hire Graduates within Each Specialty<sup>5</sup></p>
<p>Epidemiology: Department of Health and Human Services; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.</p>
<p>Health Education and Promotion: Mayo Clinic; State governments.</p>
<p>Emergency Preparedness: Red Cross; Federal Emergency Management Agency.</p>
<p>Environmental Health: Environmental Protection Agency; International Boundary and Water Commission.</p>
<p>Biostatistics: Harvard University; Boston Children’s Hospital.</p>
<p>Public Health Nursing: State and county governments; Department of Mental Health.</p>
<p>Benedictine University</p>
<p>Visit for more information.</p>
<p><sup>1 </sup>C E P H Accredited. Online Master of Public Health (M P H) Degree. Benedictine University. <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p><sup>2</sup> 100 Things You Can Do With A Masters In Public Health. <a href=""></a></p>
<p><sup>3</sup> What is the salary outlook with a M P H degree? M P H Programs List. <a href=""></a></p>
<p><sup>4</sup> C E P H Accredited Online Master of Public Health (M P H) Degree. Benedictine University.</p>